Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Job Chart

Job charts provide an easy way to have a classroom full of child laborers for 5 minutes a few times a week.

After some trial and error, I found that it's necessary to have a job and a slot for every kid.  You will also need to leave room for those friendly new students that show up at your door in March.  I find 4 subs to be sufficient, as I have 2 students that are usually out of the room and after accounting for possible absences.

I bought one of those calendar pocket charts and put all the calendar stuff aside.  I used pop-out letters for "Jobs" and just stuck them in the top pocket.  You can use any little nametags as job cards with a border you like.  I had to trim mine down a bit.  You'll also need to measure how big the name cards are and cut some of those.  I used cardstock.  As you can see, the name card needs to be taller than the job cards.

The jobs in my room are:

Attendance- This person takes down the attendance sheet, I actually check attendance)

Time Keeper- The Time Keeper is supposed to kindly let me know if we're running late or give me 5-minutes warnings during read-alouds.  Ultimately, this is a pointless job because my group this year basically can't tell time.  Last year, they were allllllll about it.

Paper Passers- I do 2.  Sometimes I wish I had 3.

Reading Corner- These students have the privilege of sitting in the reading corner on a cushion during free reading or any quiet seat work.  However, they also have to make sure books are put back where they belong during job time.  I have 3 of these.  It all depends on how big your reading corner and class library are!

Lunch Bin- It takes 3 kids to carry down the lunch bin and pick up the extras that fall out of the bin.

Supplies organizers- During job time, 2 kids check the supply bins and math materials to make sure nothing is in the wrong box.  More supplies organizers would be nice.  They get really into it, check that the markers aren't running out and that the unifix cubes are clean!

Trash collector- 3 kids check the floor for trash during job time.

Recycler- Take down the recycling during job time.  Only 1 kid is necessary!

Pencil Sharpener- The cherubs love sharpening pencils while I'm in the middle of lesson, so now ONLY the pencil sharpener person is allowed to sharpen pencils on my awesome mega-super-intense pencil sharpener during job time.  The system works wonders.

Table Cleaners- 2 chickadees get a Clorox wipe and wipe down our tables.  More or fewer kids could work.

Board Eraser- Erase the schedule, morning message, and whatever is left of what I've written on the board that day.

Job Changer- This person shifts the name cards down one space to the left, moving up to the next row at each end.  I always make sure the job changer waits until the kids know their jobs before changing them.  My kids needed a step stool to reach the chart at the beginning of the year and now they don't!  Tall chickadees!

Subs- I started with 3, then got a new student in March, so I just added another sub.  As of now, I have 5 subs.  Yep!  2 new chickadees in March.  26 little darlings in all.

"What do I do during job time??? I DON'T HAVE A JOBAAAAHHH!!!!!???!!!!" is something I used to hear a lot.  Job subs often have nothing to do, and kids like Attendance and Paper Passers are left milling about, distracting my Table Cleaners.  SO, kids with nothing to do can:

-Clean out their bins/desks
-Help someone else
-Wipe down the board with a damp paper towel and dry it afterward
-Wipe down shelves and bins with a Clorox wipe or damp paper towel
-Stuff mailboxes with homework

My job chart is on my "Info" bulletin board.

It teaches them to clean up after themselves.  It makes your life easier.  It takes 5 minutes every other day.  People always comment on the cleanliness of my classroom!

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