Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Matting a Letter with Scrapbook Paper

Hi everyone!

I'm a failed blogger.  I was going to post 5 crafts that had nothing to do with school over April break and then I posted one like 2 weeks ago.  Well, here's another one I did over break.  I had a very special letter and wanted to display it.  I was also in a crafty mood!  Also, I had like $3.

I took my butt over to Walmart and got this frame:

It's 8x10 WITHOUT the matting and 5x7 with.  I took the matting out and have no idea what to do with it.  Thanks for ignoring the piece of paper on my floor.  Cute dust ruffle, huh?

Then, I painted it with many coats of acrylic paint.

I tend to paint with a large piece of cardboard to cover the floor so I don't get stuff everywhere.  It kinda works!  I used Steel Gray for the color.  It's my favorite color because it reminds me of Blue Steel.

I particularly enjoy getting my scrapbook paper from this fancy Marshall's near where I work.  I got this pack for $5 and picked my background.  They have scrapbook paper in lots of places but at Marshall's it's DISCOUNTED.  I might devote an entire post to pretty paper and that you should buy it in Marshall's.

I traced the glass from the frame on the back of the scrapbook paper (the white side with no pattern).  I lined up the corner of the glass with the corner of the paper so I'd only have to cut two sides.  Then, I glued the letter to the center of the paper.  I put the glass in the frame, the paper on that, and put on the back!  I wish I had more process pictures for you, but I don't.  I'm a teacher.  I want you to learn, explore, try, do, take risks!

Orrrrrrr I forgot.

The finished product!

Layers!  I love non-flat frames.  I don't know what the word is for frames like this, but anything more exciting than a flat rectangle makes me feel like I'm classy.

My curtains are thermal, not pretty.  You can't really have both.  Also my lamp is boring and I have candles in a vase.  I live a very luxurious life.

The frame is ginormous, so I'm glad I used softer colors.  I wanted to have a special way to remember someone without being like, IN YO FACE about it.  Framing a letter instead of a picture of a dead person is a little easier on the eyes.  

It was the only frame long enough for the letter in the first place.  I suggest measuring the thing you want to frame BEFORE you drive 30 minutes to go buy it.  Or, it's an excuse to buy 10 frames, just in case.

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